

My curriculum

Foto profilo

Valentina Sbaffi​

_digital &graphic designer

Hi, I’m Valentina!
I’m a graphic designer, that in recent years has been falling in love with the wonderful world of web programming, a passion that has remained in the drawer for a long, long time!
Graphics for me is a passion, as well a job, that has always been lived like a game, because as Johann Paul Friedrich said: “The game is a serious matter. Indeed, tremendously serious.” The challenge is to create graphically balanced, functional projects in line with customer requests. Giving virtue to their products, through well-studied visual communication in line with the brand’s values. I am a very curious person, I like to experiment in different areas and test myself with new challenges. The common thread that binds all my passions is definitely the search of beauty, which is hidden and expressed with all the different possible forms of communication!
  • Interests:Hiking, Music, Art, Technology
  • Languages:Italiano, English, French (basic)
  • Driving license:Car

Programming Skills

Abobe Illustrator95%
Abobe Photoshop95%
Abobe InDesign85%

Language Skills



  • svgLogo Design, Packaging design
  • svgIllustration, Image and Photo Editing
  • svgBootstrap, Angular, Laravel
  • svgHTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
  • svgProduct design and rendering


  • svgBrand design
  • svgvisual perception and chromatic agreements
  • svgVisual communication
  • svgUI/UX Design
  • svgWeb e App Mobile


  • 2015 - 2017

    Editions and illustration for graphic arts

    Master's Degree
    Academy of Fine Arts - Urbino, Italy
  • 2012 - 2013

    Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique

    Erasmus Project
    Nantes, France
  • 2010 - 2015

    Industrial and Environmental design

    Bachelor's Degree
    University of Camerino - Ascoli Piceno, Italy


  • 2021 - now

    Digital & Graphic designer freelance

    Myself - freelace
  • 2020 - 2022

    Web designer e Web developer

    con2b - Senigallia, Italy
  • 2019 - 2020

    Graphic designer

    Mosca+Co. Srl - Recanati, Italy
  • 2013 - 2014

    Graphic designer - Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Licenses and certifications

  • January 2023

    WordPress - complete course to build a site from zero Teacher: Giacomo Lanzi

    Udemy - N. certificato: UC-4a2e3a00-0a35-451d-a84c-ea36bb0804a0
  • October 2023

    Canva from A to Z
    Teacher: Eugenia Brini

  • Maggio 2021

    Paper Technician - Paper processing operator and watermark maker
    ITS Efficienza Energetica di Fabriano

    Region Marche


Logo Labs
During my free time I am part of the voluntary staff and I’m a graphic designer for the association “Labs Laboratorio Sociale”.

Labs is a shared space located in the center of Macerata. It hosts recreational and educational events, cultural and educational workshops such as photography, comics, cyanotyping, robotics, theater and much more. A space that creates sociability and sharing, to highlight the social function that games can perform, to involve new generations in games that are not only “digital” and to spread culture, freedom and health through games.

Every year the cultural center volunteers organize a game and game festival: the GAME LABS FESTIVAL.
A ludic event in which games are played and talked, the aim of which is to promote healthy gaming and talk about gambling addictions.

If you want to see some of my work go now to mine Portfolio!